Location: L3A-01 (Level 3)

Phone Number: 03-6206 4819

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 5.30pm (Mon - Fri), Closed on weekends and public holidays.

Lembaga Kecantikan Negara


Lembaga Kecantikan Negara, (National Board of Beauty) was established on 1 December 2021, in accordance with the Societies Act 1966 and the Societies Regulations 1984. LKN defined as an pro-government organization which is supervision and Development In Beauty Industries such as Makeup, Body Slimming, Body Weight Control, Cosmetics, Tattoo, Manicure and Pedicure, Hairstyles, Skin Care, Facial Care. Provide education and knowledge that support communities to grow up the economics of beauty Industries.


1. To encourage, promote, expend, and develop knowledge, education and practice of Beauty Industries;

2. To provide a central organization for beauty industries in the form of a learned and scientific society for the advancement of the eco system, science, and profession of beauty industries;

3. To assist and advise governments, semi governments, pro governments, local authorities, private or public bodies and the public to establish a complaint or feedback platform to solve the issues or to provide solutions, to assist and advise governments or local authorities for law revision in interrelated field.

4. To certify in field experts, industry corporate or, merchants or, researcher or, scholar or, academic or, syllabus or, thesis or, standard operating procedure in interrelated of beauty industries, grade of products or, raw materials or, machinery or, apparatus etc.

5. To provide facilities interchange with other associations carrying on similar work or with governments, local authorities, educational and scientific bodies engaged in research on matters relating to the work, theory or practice of beauty industries or allied subjects.


To work closely with governments sector and merchants in the beauty industries for the betterment and development of the industry thru set up industries guideline.


To promote friendly interaction and discourse amongst field experts, industry corporate and merchants, and to hold meetings for readings and discussions of matters relating to the beauty industries.