Location: L2-9 (Level 2)
Phone Number: 03-6203 0588
Homepage: https://www.petloverscentre.com.my/
Opening Hours: 10.00am to 10.00pm (daily)
Pet Lovers Centre
Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) is a homegrown pet retail and service chain that was founded in 1973 as a family hobby business. The company only rapidly grew since the second generation of the Ng family took over in 1995. Since then, they have expanded to Malaysia and eventually to Asia.
To date, it is the largest pet chain store within Singapore and Malaysia.
A pioneer in the pet food and accessory retail industry in Singapore, PLC is a household name today, known for its ability to offer its customers the widest and freshest range, coupled with prompt and warm service.
PLC is an Associate member of WWPIA (Worldwide Pet Industry Association).
They are currently the only pet chain in Singapore that has been awarded the Trust SG certification for the year of 2006-2008. Over the years, they have also been awarded the following:
1. World Branding Awards 2017 – 2018 (Hofburg Vienna), Animalis Edition, National Award Singapore
2. Asia’s Top Influential Brands, Pet Service & Products Award (2015) by Brand Alliance
3. The Global Pets Forum Award 2013 ( Prague , Czech Republic ) – Winner
4. The Global Pets Forum Award 2010 ( Vienna ) – Second Runner Up
5. Singapore Prestige Brand Award ( SPBA 2008 ) – Overall Winner
6. Clubpets Readers Choice Award – Voted Most Popular Pet Shop 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 consecutively.
7. The Largest Pet Store in Malaysia Book Of Records 2003
PLC is currently the only one that has vet-trained, pet care consultants (PCCs) stationed in their stores to provide professional advice on pet care. PLC is also the only one that offers customers on-time delivery to their doorsteps, as well as the option to make purchases or check their membership points online..
As an entrenched market leader of the pet industry, its vibrant young management team relentlessly seeks new opportunities for filling market gaps.