Location: G-10

Phone Number: 017 - 266 4143

Opening Hours: 10.00am to 10.00pm (daily)

Super Kitchen Chilli Pan Mee

Chili Pan Mee is one of the most popular dishes in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a bowl of dry pan mee (flat flour noodles) served with minced pork, anchovies, fried onions, and topped with a poached egg. The most crucial ingredient that makes a bowl of Chili Pan Mee awesome undoubtedly lies in the dry chili mix that is served alongside the Chili Pan Mee and the exquisite runny poached eggs. The dish is complemented with healthy and fibrous sweet potato leaves in a cleansing clear broth.

Some Food and Beverages companies are established to attain the fanciest Michelin Star ratings or to franchise their brand to all around the world within a short period of time. What about us? Our ultimate goal is to make Malaysia and Singapore a happier place, one bowl of Pan Mee at a time. We love seeing the smile on our patrons’ faces while slurping on our Pan Mee. We are committed to ensure the Pan Mee eating culture will continue for many more generations to come. We hope that Malaysians and visitors from abroad alike will think of our brand when they crave to eat a bowl of healthy home-made Pan Mee with no artificial flavouring or colouring. This has been the vision of our company since the very first day of its establishment.